The rules (called ‘relevant provisions’ in the National Assembly for Wales Commissioner for Standards Measure 2009) that Members must follow are set out in the following documents -
- The Code of Conduct for Members of the Senedd sets out 24 Rules which Members must follow at all times. Further information about it can be found in the Guidance on the Code of Conduct for Members of the Senedd;
- Standing Orders of the Senedd. Standing Orders 2 – 5 deal the prohibition on lobbying for reward and the financial and other interests which Members are required to register. Standing Orders 13.8A and 17.8A deal with the requirement for Members to declare relevant interests before taking part in plenary or committee proceedings;
- Rules and Guidance on the Use of Senedd Resources deal with how Members may use the money, staff and services provided to them by the Senedd Commission. Breach of any of these Rules is a breach of Rule 8 of the Code of Conduct;
- The National Assembly for Wales Dignity and Respect Policy applies not just to Members but to everyone working in the Senedd. It deals with inappropriate behaviour such as bullying, harassment and discrimination. The provisions relating to such inappropriate behaviour by Members have been replicated in Rules 4 and 6 of the Code of Conduct.
- Code on Different Roles and Responsibilities of Constituency Members and Regional Members This document sets out, amongst other matters, how both Constituency and Regional Members should describe themselves and operate when dealing with constituents in their areas and regions