Upholding reputations, safeguarding standards, addressing concerns

Complaints Statistics 1 Oct – 31 Dec 2024

New complaints

The following Tables give information of complaints received in the third quarter of 2024-25.

Table 1: Complaints received, source and admissibility

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Total Received 39 28 11
Public 34 24 11
Member against Member 3 0 0
Member against self 1 0 0
Clerk of the Senedd 1 4 0
Not admissible 28 23 10
Admissibility not decided by period end 7 1 0


Table 2: Complaints by subject matter

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
Conduct on social media 6 2 5
Misuse of resources 4 0 1
Standard of service 9 2 1
Failure to register/declare and interest 1 4 1
Outside remit (conduct in Plenary or Ministerial conduct) 4 14 1
Other conduct 15 6 2
TOTAL 39 28 11    


Table 3: Reasons for inadmissibility

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
1 Not in writing (Procedure paragraph 4.2(a)) 0 0 0
2 Complainant not named (Procedure paragraph 4.2(b)) 0 0 0
3 Not about conduct of Member (Procedure paragraph 4.2(c) 1 0 0
4 Does not state act or omission complained of (Procedure paragraph 4.2(d)) 1 0 0
5 Insufficient supporting evidence (Procedure paragraph 4.2 (e)(i)) 7 3 2
6 Conduct, if proved, not a breach of relevant provision (Procedure paragraph 4.2(e)(ii))
a. Conduct in plenary or Committee (Code paragraph 3) 1 8 0
b. Ministerial Conduct (Code paragraph 7(ii)) 3 6 1
c. Standard of service (Code paragraph 7(iii)) 9 2 1
d. Other 6 3 6
7 Not within period allowed (Procedure paragraph 4.2(g)) 0 1 0